Fort Lauderdale Child Support Attorney
Sara Singer is committed to making sure that children are provided for financially. Sara has experience helping families through the complex issues associated with divorce and co-parenting.
Parents have an obligation not only to care for their children, but also to provide for them financially. Whether parents are married or not, the court ensures that both parents are contributing to a child’s financial needs through child support awards.
The Law Offices of Sara J. Singer is a family law firm that specializes in helping families through the complex issues associated with divorce and co-parenting. Sara’s goal is to advocate on behalf of her clients to secure fair agreements that fit their families’ needs.
Florida law provides guidelines for calculating child support, outlining a variety of factors that the courts must consider, including the income of both parents, the number of children the couple share, how they share time with the children and the basic costs of raising a child.
Calculating an accurate and fair child support award may require consideration of additional factors, including:
• Private school tuition and costs
• Child care expenses
• Extracurricular activities
• Summer camp enrollment fees
• Health care expenses
Sara is dedicated to protecting clients’ rights and their financial stability while clients are providing for their children. Sara’s comprehensive representation extends beyond the initial ruling, with the firm remaining available to advocate for clients when child support awards need to be modified due to a change in circumstances.