How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in Florida?

How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in Florida?

There’s no such thing as a straightforward process for a contested divorce. Every contested divorce is full of variables that can significantly lengthen the time it takes to finalize. 

On average, an uncontested divorce can be finalized between six weeks and three months. A contested divorce can and usually takes much longer than three months. Though some can be slightly faster and others slightly longer. For more information, speak with a Florida Divorce Lawyer today. 

Experienced divorce attorneys have an in-depth understanding of how divorces work in Florida and use that experience to drive the process forward in a controlled manner.

What is an uncontested divorce?

When is a divorce uncontested? An uncontested divorce occurs when spouses have already agreed on every major and minor decision. This includes parenting plans, child support, alimony, division of property, division of debt, asset distribution, and all other relevant matters pertaining to the divorce. 

An uncontested divorce is faster and less expensive than a contested one.

How fast can a divorce be finalized in Florida?

For those pursuing an uncontested divorce, the process can be much faster than a contested divorce. Since every divorce is different, speaking with Attorney Sara Singer is the best course of action to determine how fast your divorce can be finalized. You can schedule a divorce consultation by calling our office at (954) 527-2855 or contacting us via our website. 

Complex divorces, such as a high net worth divorce, usually take longer due to the detailed analysis required for assets, investments, and properties.  

Divorce Mediation

For a married couple seeking a divorce in Florida, State law requires you to attempt to finalize your divorce in mediation before going to Court. 

Divorce mediation allows a neutral third party to help each spouse negotiate and come to a mutual agreement. This method is often faster and less confrontational than a traditional divorce court proceeding.  

Working with a skilled divorce lawyer can provide guidance and result in an outcome aligned with your goals.

Divorces are complex and emotionally taxing, and they vary in length based on multiple factors.  One of the only variables you have total control over during a divorce is the attorney you choose to represent you.  Choosing an experienced attorney can result in an outcome that benefits you for years – if not decades to come. 

The Law Offices of Sara J. Singer understands the legal complexities involved in even the most complex divorce cases. 

Always consider seeking advice from a reputable Florida divorce lawyer to ensure your interests are protected. 

Contact the Law Offices of Sara J. Singer today for help with your divorce. 

Call us at 954-527-2855 or message us online.

For more details and answers to common divorce-related questions, check out this Divorce FAQs page.

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